Quantum optics
Our researchers are exploring spectroscopy, light-matter interactions, quantum information manipulation and more.

Paul Barclay
Shabir Barzanjeh
Leonid Belostotski
David Feder
Tim Friesen
Erika Janitz
Nasser Moazzen-Ahmadi
Daniel Oblak
Barry Sanders
Yujun Shi
Christoph Simon
Robert Thompson
Molecular modeling
Our researchers are developing new and improved methods to calculate the properties of complex molecules.

Peter Kusalik
Viki Kumar Prasad
Dennis Salahub
Our researchers are engaging in research on the nanometer scale in big ways.

Paul Barclay
Shabir Barzanjeh
Claudia Gomes da Rocha
Erika Janitz
Pierre Kennepohl
Christoph Simon
Quantum information and computing
Our researcher are revolutionizing the ways we handle, transit and store quantum information.